The story focuses on Catherine Morland, a seventeen year old girl, who grew up in a rural setting. As she becomes a young adult, she fells in love with books and gets the opportunity to accompany her wealthy neighbors to Bath and partake in the winter season of balls, theater and other social delights. Soon she is introduced to a new world, much alike as she read about in her books, and meets the clever young gentleman, Henry Tilney. She also makes a new best friend Isabella, a vivacious and flirtatious young woman, who turns out to be different from what Catherine thought she would be. Soon she visits the mysterious castle Northanger Abbey and has to learn that the real world differs from what is described in her books…
Innocent Girl
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Learn English through stories with subtitles/text
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• Audio MP3 files;
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SKU: 1
Categories: Audiobook, eBook, Genres, Level
Tags: ABS, audio book, Audiobook with subtitle, conversation, DEL, english stories, English Stories with Subtitle, English story, Enjoy English, EnOnTV, Innocent Girl, Jane Austen, learn english, Learn English through stories, learn english through story, Let's Learn English, LETS, listen and repeat, listening practice, LLE, speaking practice
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